Link ing To And Embedding “POCUS estimation of cardiac output” From UBC IM POCUS

Today, I review, link to, and embed UBC IM POCUSPOCUS estimation of cardiac output.

All that follows is from the above resource.


Mar 4, 2021

In this 20-minute screencast from UBC IM POCUS, Dr Katie Wiskar describes the rationale and technique for estimating stroke volume and cardiac output using Point-of-Care Ultrasound. **Note typo at 00:45 in DO2 equation – DO2 = Q x [(Hb x SaO2 x 1.34) + (PaO2 + 0.003)]

You can rapidly review this excellent video by rapidly stepping through it by freezing the timeline and quickly examining each slide.

1:49 2:36 2:56 3:35 3:43 4:05 4:29 5:o5 5:16 5:25 5:36 5:58 6:18 7:14 7:36 7:46 7:57 8:29 8:38 9:59 10:23 11:04 11:09 11:26 12:o6 12:45 12:54 13:10 13:40 13:52 14:21 14:38 14:56 15:24 15:57 16:02-18:44 A couple of examples

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