Links to Dr Andrew Brainard’s Outstanding Video Course-Essential Emergency Airway Care Course

Below are links to Dr. Andrew Brainard’s outstanding video course, Essential Emergency Airway Care. There are eight videos covering all aspects of the topic. Every nurse and every doctor will profit from these videos even if you’re already good at emergency airway management. Dr. Brainard’s website and blog is called The Sharp End and you probably want to subscribe.

And at the end of each video are references to other great airway videos and other airway resources.

The Home Page for the Essential Emergency Airway Care Course (EEACC) at The Sharp End site contains links to each of the modules and those module links also contain the show notes and the references.

The links below are to the modules on vimeo.

EEACC #1 – Airway Prep and Team Management

EEACC #2 – Oxygenation and BVM

EEACC #3 – SuppraGlottic Airways

EEACC #4 – Direct Laryngoscopy

EEACC #5 – Airway Pharmacology

EEACC #6 – Video Laryngoscopy

EEACC #7 – The Simple Surgical Airway

EEACC #8 – Paeds Airway


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