In this post, I link to an outstanding website Endotext:
Welcome to Endotext – the best Endocrinology source in the world, and FREE.*
* I recommend donating to this project which benefits patients around the world.
Here are the links to the various sections of this awesome textbook. I’ll be reviewing the individual sections in the future and will be posting on a section after I review it.
In order to access the resources below, you need to register at the site (at no cost).
Endocrine EmergenciesEditor: Kenneth Feingold, MD | Endocrinology of Female ReproductionEditor: Robert Rebar, MD and Elizabeth A. McGee, MD | Pediatric EndocrinologyEditor: Maria New, MD |
Pituitary Disease and NeuroendocrinologyEditor: Ashley Grossman, MD and Marta Korbonits, MD | Thyroid Disease ManagerEditor: Peter Kopp, MD | ObesityEditor: Jonathan Purnell, MD, and Leigh Perreault, MD |
Diabetes Mellitus and Carbohydrate Metabolism—DiabetesManagerEditor: Kathleen Dungan, MD, MPH | Adrenal Disease and FunctionEditor: George Chrousos, MD and Dr. Gregory Kaltsas, MD, FRCP | Endocrine Disease and PregnancyEditor: Robert Rebar, MD and Kenneth Feingold, MD |
Endocrinology of Male ReproductionEditor: Robert McLachlan, MD, PhD and Bradley Anawalt, MD | Diseases of Bone and Mineral MetabolismEditor: Frederick Singer, MD and Alison Boyce, MD | Endocrine Testing ProtocolsEditor: Christian Koch, MD, PhD |
Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of Lipid and Lipoprotein Metabolism in Adults and ChildrenEditor: Kenneth Feingold, MD and Don P Wilson, MD | Diffuse Hormonal Systems and Endocrine Tumor SyndromesEditor: Aaron Vinik, MD, PhD | Endocrinology of AgingEditor: Jerome M Hershman, MD and John E. Morley, MB, BCh |
Disorders that Affect Multiple OrgansEditor: George Chrousos, MD |