“Pediatric Migraine” From PedsCases Notes (Infographics)

In this post I link to and reproduce the PedsCases Notes (Infographics) for Pediatric Migraine [Link is to the post], by Katherine Jensen, May 14, 2020:

This PedsCases Note provides a one-page summary of the management of migrane in the pediatric population. It outlines the differences between a migrane with and without aura, as well as presenting a diagnosis and management flowchart that is meant to be easily used on the wards. It was created by Katharine Jensen, a medical student at the University of Alberta, with help from Dr. Colin Wilbur, a pediatric neurologist and assistant professor at the University of Alberta.

Click on this link for the PDF printable handout.

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  1. The International Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition. (2020). Retrieved from: https://ichd-3.org

  2. Marcello Pasculli , Pasquale Striano, and Maria Giuseppina Ledda. Pediatric Migraine Treatment: An Updated Review. Neonatal and Pediatric Medicine 2019, 5:1. DOI: 10.4172/2572-4983.1000178


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