Social Proof For Your Website: Testimonials From Your Clients

Recently, a client asked me to review his website to see if he needed a new one.

As I spoke with him he told me that his website did not generate a significant number of new prospects.

I reviewed his website and it seemed satisfactory in terms of design.

However, he did not have enough resources on his site about his services.

I recommended a blog about topics in his service area. He could write the posts or hire a writer to write the posts.

And importantly, he had a blank page for testimonials.

My client is very well respected in his profession.

I recommended that he contact several of his many satisfied clients and ask them if they would be willing to say a few words about what they liked most about his services.

In this way he could quickly get some recommendations for his testimonials page.

Here are some questions that he and you can ask the client:

  1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you do or did you do if you are retired?
  2. How long have you been using our service or product?
  3. How did you find out about us?
  4. What was the problem you had that led you to us?
  5. How did we help you solve your problem?
  6. Why do you recommend our product or services.

But the best and most powerful testimonials are video testimonials embedded in the testimonials page.

Here is a great short video on how to make a client or customer testimonial video.

How To Create Video Testimonials For Social Proof

If you would like to discuss how you can make your website a more effective marketing tool, email me at In your email, please provide a link to your website and what you would like to discuss and review with me on our initial no charge phone consultation. I can help you create an effective testimonial page.

I can help you by interviewing people who have agreed to give a testimonial and writing and creating the written testimonial page.

And I can also create, film, and post video testimonials on your site.


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